How to startup an online Business

Startup online business with this helpful post, giving you some useful information in how to start an online business, including a free eBook to download at the end.

Business in 2021 has really changed since 2020 with many people starting their own business online. This is due to redundancy’s and overall stability of work, so people are hence looking to re-gain stable work.

People are signing into training courses for knowledge how to help their business. This post will give some useful tips to answer common questions towards the business as a whole and focus on prime stages for startup online business.

Online startup business plan

Whether your reasons, you will need to consider the following to begin the thought process in how to startup online business.

Validate your online business ideas

Maybe consider testing your business idea before considering how to startup online business – this is essential to prove your business concept.

Gather evidence of your online business idea through user testing and feedback to make an informed decision.

Map out your assumptions of how feasible your business ideas are and then experiment in ways to test if this will succeed.

Startup online business website with success

Starting a new business website can be daunting and you may have the following questions that need answering, but considering the following tips will start you’re business on the right footing.

Should I hire a web designer?

Hiring a website designer is valuable and recommended over trying to do this yourself. This will reduce the stress and give you confidence you’re in the hands of a professional web designer for a great end result. Read our blog post on top tips tips when choosing a web designer.

Is it hard to design a website?

It takes time to get a business website off the ground and isn’t easy otherwise anyone would do be able to do this. Designing a website involves creativity and an eye for detail which is key for any website. There are tools out there to do this, but knowing the ins and outs of what makes a website. Paying attention to key factors like responsive or cross browser compatible websites is what the pro’s would do.

How much should a website cost?

Cost for designing a website can range between £200 up to £2000 plus, dependent what your online business needs. If starting online, you’ll normally start minimally anyway and build it up from there.

If a bigger website is required, you can save money through splitting the site into stages, which is a good strategy when starting out.

How many hours does it take to design a business website?

A website can take between 40-100 hours to complete, but is a wide range dependent on your online business requirements.

Startup websites from scratch or re-designing existing websites through the same process. We follow the following process:

With bespoke websites that are tailored to your needs, these require more time over a basic template. Some people think you can straight copy other content or sites but this isn’t right and won’t be beneficial at all for your business, and you’ll get penalised by Google if you are scraping content from other websites. Startup online business websites should have content written bespoke to your services to engage your potential customers.

Promoting your online business

There’s a wealth of advice and information online, whether on Google or social media, but starting your online business is at ground level 0, meaning you’re beginning from scratch and need to begin targeting and engaging potential customers – this won’t happen without investing your time and money in SEO.

Gaining visibility on Google takes a minimum of 3 months to start getting qualified traffic


These are some key points covered in our new eBook for the Ultimate guide to starting an online business. This is a free eBook aimed at you’re startup online businesses needing more knowledge or guidance how the whole process works for how to startup online business. Click to above link and enter your email to download the eBook, giving you a more comprehensive overview and resources to getting online.
