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  • Empower Your Website: 4 Essential Tips – Web Accessibility Checklist

    There are some primary checks to carry out when formulating a web accessibility checklist. When crafting a website, it’s essential to take pride in our work and inquire whether the site is accessible to individuals with disabilities. Applying accessible code and accessibility checks shouldn’t be done once a site is finished but throughout the whole […]

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    Integrate Accessibility (A11y) into your business

    Accessibility with Agile Methodology A business’s focus is to be profitable and convert as many visitors into customers – giving priority to UX, targeted campaigns through SEO strategy etc, but accessibility gets put on the back burner. We want as many people on our web site as possible, however we’re missing out on many potential […]

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    Learn Accessibility (a11y) for your website

    20% of all people have a disability of some kind. So that’s 20% of your potential visitors could be disabled, hence your marketing strategy should consider how accessible your website is. Let’s look at a beginning to understanding what website accessibility means, how important it is, and how it could affect  your potential users if […]

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    Google Core Web Vitals

    What is Core Web Vitals? Core Web Vitals algorithm update was released in May 2021. The aim is to give your users a great page experience by measuring the speed, stability and interactivity of the website. Why should you care? This core web vitals update is a large update designed to make website owners improve […]

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    Learn Git – What are the benefits to learning Git?

    Getting started learning git Learn Git and gain some great benefits to assist your coding and team. If you are unfamiliar with Git, there’s some great resources out there to learning this tool, such as this wealth of information from Atlassian on why git. Git is a version control system which allows you to track […]

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    How to startup an online Business

    Startup online business with this helpful post, giving you some useful information in how to start an online business, including a free eBook to download at the end. Business in 2021 has really changed since 2020 with many people starting their own business online. This is due to redundancy’s and overall stability of work, so […]

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    What is a landing page

    Why a landing page is important? A landing page gives a different angle on a normal website page – it’s like a testing area for a product or service. This is a fantastic way to create versions of pages and test which one comes out to be more engaging. Creating a landing page isn’t just […]

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    What is an SVG – How to use SVG in your web projects

    What is an SVG? 1. “Scalable Vector Graphic” File types you will commonly know are JPG, GIF, PNG, but SVG’s are a completely different ball game. Has many advantages over standard images, can be scaled up or down as needed but not degrade in quality – allowing re-usage of the image without exporting different sizes. […]

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    Essential tips for choosing a domain name

    Choosing a domain name The letters at the end of the domain refer to the TLD (Top-Level Domain). When it comes to choosing a domain name for your project or business, there are many classic or modern domains to pick from. Not 1 domain benefits over the other, however when buying a domain, the choice […]

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    How to increase Google Page Speed Score

    Google PageSpeed Score PageSpeed is so crucial online, but understanding all the terminology is a little daunting, so I have analyzed the top factors to help you to think more about Google Page Speed when your designing and developing websites. No matter if you are a small team or large if your graphic designers are […]

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    5 Essential SEO Checks

    SEO Checks When migrating to a new website – these SEO checks will keep your website from experiencing technical problems. This can avoid problems with Google crawling and indexing your site through to providing a better user experience. 1. 301 redirects What is this? A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect that redirects one URL […]

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    WordPress site health fixes

    WordPress site health Recently I encountered 2 critical issues and WordPress site health fixes issues I wanted to share with you. These critical issues are caused by the server. You can check your WordPress site health status by going to the Site Health Status on the dashboard or by Tools > Site Health – giving […]

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    5 Website Myths to be aware of

    Website Myths Here is 5 website myths I have picked up from people who have assumptions about these topics, so I thought it useful to mention some of them 1. WordPress will sort my SEO WordPress is an amazing blogging and web platform which has some fantastic SEO tools, but do not be fooled into […]

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    5 Keyword Research Tips for your business

    How to do keyword research 1. Analyse your competition Monitoring your competitors is a key factor in knowing who the players are in your market space. Why not start with some keyword research for what you think people would search for to find your business. Then look at the top 5 listings, make a note […]

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    5 Tips to choosing the right web designer

    Choosing a Web Designer Maybe you are at the stage of looking for a web designer near you, or are a startup or small business planning to get your website setup?. Either way you’re at the right place. Starting any website can be a challenge, with choosing a domain name, setting up hosting and a […]

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