20% of all people have a disability of some kind. So that’s 20% of your potential visitors could be disabled, hence your marketing strategy should consider how accessible your website is.

Let’s look at a beginning to understanding what website accessibility means, how important it is, and how it could affect  your potential users if ignored or not done correctly.

Accessibility meaning

Web Accessibility(A11y) means that we make a webpage as usable by as many people as possible, and give everyone the opportunity no matter what disability they have to access information they need on any device.

There’s 3 ways people can get information from a webpage, so we need to adhere to certain guidelines when building our websites.

Disabilities relate to so many situations, as not everyone uses the web the same way or has the same web skills.

Who is affected by accessibility

Examples of users who may have some impairment:

Guidelines to accessibility

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) give guidelines for making accessible websites, these are called the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Learning Accessibility (a11y)

Accessibility shouldn’t be an afterthought or some kind of add on to your website, but should be considered from the very beginning of any website project and planned into the strategy.

Accessible websites give everyone the opportunity to engage with your products and services on assisted devices, so the aim is to get your site usable fully accessible and usable just by keyboard.

Learning accessibility isn’t easy and requires effort but it’s vital you take time to apply for not just your users but also your SEO efforts.

If you turn CSS off, does your content structure make sense still? Consider applying accessibility today.

A11y takeaways
