5 Keyword Research Tips for your business

How to do keyword research

1. Analyse your competition

Monitoring your competitors is a key factor in knowing who the players are in your market space. Why not start with some keyword research for what you think people would search for to find your business. Then look at the top 5 listings, make a note of the keywords they use in their google heading’s and descriptions. Then look at their website and note the primary keywords they are focusing on. No need to copy here, because don’t forget this is just keyword research initially.

2. Keyword Research related terms

For keyword researching initial keywords you think could be used for your business, more for generic searches, you’ll see the related search results at the bottom of the website. These can be useful when building a keyword list.

3. Check Google Search Console

This is a great tool from Google that gives you information about the performance of your website along with search queries that led to someone clicking to go to your website. This is a reference when looking at existing keywords that led to traffic.

4. Look at paid traffic trends

If you’re running paid traffic campaigns, this is also good measurement of keywords to know what’s gained most visibility when someone searches for a keyword.

5. Using external tools

External tools can be expensive, but some tools over at neilpatel.com are very useful for this. You could utilise Google trends https://trends.google.com/trends/ which is also a great tool to highlight a keyword and show the trend of the keyword over the past 12 months for example. This highlights the locations of where this is most trending. This gives good insights into what you should choose.

Hope this has helped you understand some avenues to start researching the right keywords, but ensure that these keywords are used in the right density within good well written content.
